Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas 2007

We took the kids to the Mount beach straight after breakfast - they had a good run around and walked up Leisure Island with Craig


The first thing the kids saw when they got up was a huge train set set up in the lounge - santa was a busy bee last night!
amongst the presents were more bits to add to the train track so Daddy was very good and helped James to join it all together

more Christmas

spoiled little monkeys - first they get Christmas at home, then again at Nana and Grandpa's where we went for Christmas dinner

Jazmin had fun handing out the presents, and James was excited to get yet more Thomas tracks
Jazmin is just a tidy monkey - as she unwraps her presents all the bits of paper were handed to Mummy

Look at Me!!

James loved all the Bob the Builder things he got - especially the phone - and Jazmin looked so pretty in her new dress, she wasn't too sure about the tiara and kept taking it off

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Jumping Beans

the kids have been going to Jumping Beans gym for a few months now
they totally love it!
Jazmin is a real climber but now she knows how to go down safely
every time we are there, she heads straight for the climbing frames
James tends to try every bit of equipment there is

cheeky monkey

Jazmin is a cheeky little monkey

in Hastings - November 2007

while in Hastings for Gt-Grandad's birthday took the kids to the park
they had a blast!

November 2007

for Great-Grandad's 94th Birthday we went down to Hastings - James ate far too much cake
but it was delicious

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

roll on birthday #4

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

James' 3rd Birthday

Happy Birthday James
Mummy made a Train Cake for you
and you got a new Bike
as well as lots of other goodies at your party

Monday, September 03, 2007

Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker


Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

photos of the kids (May 2007)

James just loves having his photo taken, he's always asking for the camera

and as soon as Jazmin sees the camera she's right there, sometimes a bit tooo close

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Summer Fun

James loves his Thomas set ... Dad is clever enough to make it into a variety of shapes
James also loves his bubble machine, he would spend all day with it if we let him