Wednesday, August 13, 2008

3 little monkeys ...

James & Jazmin love Jeffrey, they are all over him like a rash

when James saw this photo he called it their

peas in a pod aren't they ....


Jazmin wanted a photo taken of her butterfly, so I quickly got the camera before it came off in the bath .....

We were at Playcentre when Jazmin saw some photos of kids with their faces painted, I asked her if she would like a butterfly .... she ran off to the face painting stuff really fast, so I guess that was a YES

I haven't done a lot of face-painting before, so I didn't think this was too bad

off to the Hamilton Zoo

last school holidays we took the kids to the Hamilton Zoo .... they LOVED it
Jeffrey is sooo cute isn't he

James used his
'Mr Potato Head' bits
to have a mustache
like Daddy

James & Jazmin love their Daddy ...

Jazmin's birthday cake

catch up time

wow where has the year gone - I didn't realise it had been so long ......

any who - since last post

Jazmin has turned 2
James will be 4 in 3 weeks
Jeffrey is now 6 months and rolling everywhere, it wont be long before he is crawling

anyway here are some more photos of our little monkeys :-)

Saturday, August 09, 2008